Experience in the sector
She was involved in the management of investments and tariffs in the electricity sector as director of the National Planning Department, and as a consultant she carried out research related to Ecopetrol's (the biggest natational oil compnay) growth prospects.
Training and professional practice
Economist from the Universidad de los Andes, Master in Economic Development from Boston University and in Law from the Universidad de los Andes
She has served as President of the Latin American Federation of Banks, President of Asobancaria, President of the Colombian Institute of Savings and Housing, Co-Director of the Board of Directors of Banco de la República, Minister of Economic Development, Executive Director of the National Planning Department , Vice Minister of Finance and Minister of Finance and Public Credit (E).
Additional Boards of Directors to the GEB
Fiduprevisora S.A.
National Guarantee Fund S.A.
Fiduagraria S.A.
Date of birth 11/22/1946
Appointment date
January 31st, 2020
Member of the Financial and Investment, Corporate Governance and Sustainability and Compensation Committees