In 2019, Sustainability was consolidated as another growth pillar. Our shared value programs and genuine relations with our stakeholders are the engine to promote confidence building and generate economic development in the regions.
It allows us to develop infrastructure and assets for the transmission of electrical energy, transport and distribution of gas under an organizational culture with an attribute of Social Awareness. We are progress enablers in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a Group we understand and apply Social Awareness as that sensitivity that allows us to interpret and respond to the realities of the communities in the territories where we operate and with which we permanently relate. We implement it taking into consideration the following factors:
(102-1) GEB's Sustainability Model, which guides the genuine, permanent and transparent relationship with our stakeholders, begins with the understanding of the environment as the sum of social, cultural, economic and political conditions that define the territorial dynamics. In order to make the projects viable under the guidelines of our Sustainability Policy, we gain a better understanding of the territory by having a permanent presence, and thus we design and implement social management strategies according to the particular realities.
Stakeholders and relations channels
(102-43) As a group, we define the following instruments to relate to our groups in diverse socio-political and cultural environments. These are:
(103-1) In 2019, we redefined six social investment programs to generate shared value that are part of the model adopted by all affiliates in Colombia, Peru and Guatemala.
(103-3) Our Social and Shared Value Management has managed to verify compliance with corporate guidelines and regulatory requirements, as contemplated by our model, which responds to the GEB’s cultural attribute of Superior Performance. We achieved this by means of an Audit Plan and periodic follow-up, developed with the audits to the contracts and as part of the Integrated Management System.
Our Sustainability, social investment and shared value office defined a management indicator as “Coverage of beneficiary population”, which aims to quantify the social coverage of the strategies of Sustainability, social investment and shared value of the area of influence of the projects that are either under construction or in active operations. This brings us closer to better outcome metrics for estimating impacts of our interventions in Colombia.
We use six programs to direct our efforts to bring progress to the populations. They are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are not mutually excluding. For that reason, a project may point to several of the six action lines. These are: