Stories that Will Leave Our MarkArcheology, preserving the past

Archeology, preserving the past

Many centuries after the first inhabitants of Colombia and of all Latin America buried their belongings and sacred objects, at Grupo Energía Bogotá we rescue the memory and legacy of our ancestors.
  • Pre-Hispanic piece on display at La Tebaida Museum in Quindío.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Personnel of Cálidda, a GEB subsidiary, during an archaeological finding.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Personnel of Cálidda, a GEB subsidiary, during an archaeological finding.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Personnel of Cálidda, a GEB subsidiary, during an archaeological finding.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Pre-Hispanic piece found at the archaeological site.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Personnel of Cálidda, a GEB subsidiary, discover body remains.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Excavation area where pre-Hispanic archaeological pieces were found.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Cuneiform writing.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

  • Woman with face mask and gloves analyzes the body remains.

    We are committed to preserving the archaeological heritage

Today our commitment goes way beyond the preservation and protection of the archaeological heritage of Colombia, Peru and Guatemala: we want to help us reconnect with our history and our ancestors.

For example, in several regions in Colombia we have developed a Arqueología Preventiva (Preventive Archaeology) program, through which Grupo Energía Bogotá seeks to obtain greater knowledge on the Pre-Hispanic populations that inhabited the territories where we are building our projects. It is our obligation and unwavering commitment to the communities.

These studies reveal the archaeological testimonials of the peoples who inhabited each of these areas, their adaptation to the various environments and their trading relationships, among other aspects.

sites of archaeological interest have been worked on under the Arqueología Preventiva program. One of the most important findings made in Colombia was along the 37 kilometers of the Armenia Loop gas pipeline.

Our TGI subsidiary made a finding along the 37 kilometers of the Armenia Loop gas pipeline in the coffee-growing region. Using innovative techniques, we made excavations at 37 archaeological sites and recovered 95 pre-Hispanic pieces, which are currently on display at La Tebaida Museum, in Quindío.

Every one of our affiliates maintains this commitment to the protection of the archaeological heritage. In Peru, Cálidda, our natural gas distribution company, has made important findings, such as the recent finding of a woman who lived 600 years ago, in the times of the Inca empire, and whose remains were first seen by workers when they were installing pipelines in the city of Lima.

Also, in Peru, we highlight the important finding of a pre-Inca grave of a two-year-old child accompanied by ceramic figures known as cuchimilcos and 100 ceremonial vessels including pots and cups. Cálidda was the first private company to join the Culture Ministry’s program Lima, la Ciudad de las Huacas, for its major contribution in protecting the nation’s archaeological treasures.

At Contugas, also in Peru, during our work in the desert we found 58 new archaeological sites.

All these findings have enabled us to continue contributing to the preservation and reconstruction of the historical memory of Latin America, with a program aimed at an efficient, sustainable and responsible corporate development.