Employee development and training programs


At GEB we offer training and development programs for all our employees in order to face business challenges and to achieve organizational goals. Two of the programs that stand out in 2023 are the Innovation Facilitators Program and the Fabio Chaparro Education Program "Strengthening capabilities for the digital era": 


Innovation Facilitators Program (2023)
The Innovation Facilitators Program seeks to develop an interdisciplinary team of employees to act as innovation leaders and mobilizers in GEB and each of its subsidiaries, to promote an innovative organizational culture, boost the innovation capacity of the organization and structure projects to help face the challenges in matters such as energy transition, decarbonization and digitalization.

Program content

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Program coverage
The program is made up of 45 employees who act as Innovation Facilitators across the Business Group (1,6% of total workforce):


TGI: 10 participants
ENLAZA: 5 participants
GEB: 9 participants
CONTUGAS: 5 participants
CANTALLOC: 2 participants
ELECTRODUNAS: 4 participants
CONECTA: 5 participants
CÁLIDDA: 5 participants


The Innovation Facilitators receive training in areas such as design thinking, business model innovation, group facilitation techniques, disruptive thinking amongst others.


Benefits of the Program
The program offers multiple benefits to the company through its Innovation Facilitators, who
•    Promote and disseminate innovation in the culture of GEB. Innovation Facilitators act as points of contact for the areas where they work.
•    Promote the development of an innovation-based mentality, as ambassadors of GEB’s innovation strategy and vision.
•    Facilitate the solution of company challenges through support and guidance in co-creation processes, as experts in innovation methodologies.
•    Assist and guide teams to convert ideas into projects. 
•    Support the deployment of the Innovation Management System.
•    Actively participate in the innovation community.


Impact of the Program 




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In 2023:
•    +25 innovation challenges were generated with the support of Innovation Facilitators
•    + 80 ideas were generated with the support and direction of Innovation Facilitators
•    GEB increased the number of ideas in its innovation portfolio by 44%, from 98 in 2022 to 141 in 2023. The Innovation Facilitators program provided support to 57% (+80) of these ideas. 


Through co-creation and by applying the methodologies and techniques learned within the framework of the program, the Innovation Facilitators supported different areas of GEB and its subsidiaries in the generation and prioritization of ideas and innovation challenges.


•    0,06 points increase in the Collective Contribution component of the 2023 OCAI survey.


The impact of the Innovation Facilitators Program is reflected in the 2023 OCAI (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument) survey, which presented a growth of 0,06 points in the component of Collective Contribution with respect to the previous assessment. This result shows a more dynamic organization, willing to take risks to innovate and consciously learn to achieve team goals. It also indicates an organization with innovative leaders open to change, with the ability to evolve towards products and services that contribute to the development of society.






Fabio Chaparro Educational Program for the Energy Transition “Strengthening capabilities for the digital era” (2023)
This program consists of an upskilling training plan for all employees across the Business Group and seeks to strengthen technical capabilities in disciplines of interest for the sustainability and growth of GEB's businesses, new opportunities in the light of the digital era, with an impact on individual professional development and growth.


The program is carried out through the Coursera virtual educational platform that offers courses at more than 270 high-level educational centers around the globe.  


Some of the most popular courses completed by GEB employees in 2023, were Power BI Desktop, Agile project management, Negotiation and effective communication skills, Women in Leadership, Inspiring positive change, and Introduction to Data Analytics.


Program coverage 
•    100% of all employees in the Business Group have access to the program.
•    65% (1765 employees) completed and obtained course certifications.


Benefits of the Program
The program provides multiples benefits to GEB and its employees, as it positively contributes to the improvement of employee performance and productivity by closing skill gaps in the workforce; greater employee satisfaction as the upskilling training plan provides a foundation for long-term growth and professional development; talent attraction and retention by offering employees the opportunity to learn and grow professionally.


•    During 2023, our employees completed more than 13.000 hours of training, with an average satisfaction level of 4.8 (on a scale from 1 to 5) for the courses completed.


Impact of the Program 
•    Financial savings of $132,720 USD with the certifications granted to employees through the Coursera platform.




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