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We are committed to protecting biodiversity, mainly through the conservation and restoration of ecosystems in the areas of influence of our activities and projects.

The importance of biodiversity can be summarized in two essential features. On one hand, it is the fruit of nature's work over millions of years, so its value is incalculable and irreplaceable. On the other, it is a guarantee for the correct functioning of the system formed by living beings, together with the environment in which they live and to which they contribute for their survival.


Our commitments 


GEB and its subsidiaries are committed to protecting biodiversity, conserving and restoring ecosystems in the area of influence of our activities and projects. To do so, we have established the following commitments: 




Biodiversity exposure and assessment




Biodiversity programs

Biodiversity program Cálidda 2023.pdf

Conectando la biodiversidad.pdf



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