TCFD Report 2021 (Task force on climate-related financial disclosures)
Grupo Energía Bogotá is committed to progressively adopt the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for the assessment and reporting of weather-related risks and opportunities. As part of this commitment, GEB presents its first TCFD report. The scope of the report covers the Group’s operations in Colombia. These include the electricity transmission businesses operated by the Transmission Branch and the natural gas transportation businesses operated by Transportadora de Gas Internacional (TGI).
This report presents the progress in the implementation of the TCFD recommendations in the areas of governance, strategy, risk management, goals and metrics, and objectives.
2021 TCFD Report - Grupo Energía Bogotá.pdf
Our targets
Greenhouse gas emission reduction by 2030
Our Climate Change policy
The Policy aims to harmonize the operation of GEB and its subsidiaries with the mitigation and adaptation objectives of the countries where they are present.
Climate Change policy consult here >>
Climate Change management
The starting point of greenhouse gas emissions management is the measurement of the carbon footprint in each one of its scopes. Continuous monitoring of emissions allows identifying the sources with the highest impact and the timely development of mitigation measures.
Our measures
Mitigation: GEB's emission mitigation strategy prioritizes the reduction of emissions in operations, according to the context and the technological and financial realities of each subsidiary.
Adaptation: GEB’s projects must be designed taking into consideration the possible effect of extreme climate events on the infrastructure and operations.
Climate alignment and industry association management
Grupo Energía Bogotá (GEB) strategically participates in associations with widely recognized track records in public utilities and the industry. Such associations promote initiatives that favor the development of the energy sector, the narrowing of social gaps, the promotion of care for the environment and sustainable development, and clean energy sources, among others.
Energy transition
Environmental performance