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Climate Strategy

Environmental Partners

Climate change, with all its effects, has made us as a Corporate Group aware of what we must improve in our business activities to reduce our carbon footprint and provide strategies for environmental conservation.


Why is it important?

We implemented a strategy for collecting data supplied by the Group and its affiliates from gas and energy transport that records greenhouse gas emissions. This information became the first indicators of our baseline, from which we will be able to make comparisons in the future.

Embalse de Tominé, propiedad del GEB Tominé Reservoir, owned by GEB

How we manage it?

  • (103-2) As a corporation, we are committed Low Emission Generation. For this we created the Low Emission Generation SGB, in which we must start thinking about low emission projects or businesses, so as not to depend on fossil or water sources, something that is already part of our Sustainability Policy.
  • We are aware of the climate situation. Therefore, our challenge as a Corporate Group, is that we all appropriate the social and environmental awareness to internalize them. Thus, we will begin to have a more systematic program to measure our actions and set goals, including energy efficiency plans.

Committed to reducing emissions

A 10% corresponds to the goal that we in the GEB have set for 2020 to offset greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, since 2017 we have been linked to the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative, within the framework of international agreements and the pressing need to combat climate change. The development of the sectorial validation tools applicable to GEB are being carried out by SBT and we are working on the consolidation of emission inventories with the scope of the Corporate Group. Today, we are one of three Colombian companies committed to setting reduction goals in this global initiative.

Gracias a la masificación del gas natural en Lima (Perú), promovida por Cálidda, se han dejado de emitir 80 millones de toneladas de CO2 Thanks to the massification of natural gas in Lima (Peru), promoted by Cálidda, 80 million tons of CO2 emissions have been stopped


  • We created two groups that will allow us to advance in the fulfillment of environmental purposes: the SBG and the Low Emission Generation Group.
  • With GEB we acquired 2,268 certified carbon credits in a REDD project on the edge of the deforestation frontier in the Amazon, in an area of 177,899 hectares.
  • In Cálidda, Peru, we carried out campaigns such as Usa Gas Natural (Use natural gas), Lima Habla (Lima speaks its mind) and Lima 2034, with which we promoted the benefits of better air and environmental care.
  • With TGI, in Colombia, we started the campaign to identify and quantify the emissions generated by leaks in equipment or components of the installed infrastructure for the transport of natural gas.
  • We began collecting carbon footprint information at the affiliates, the Transmission Branch and the corporate level.
  • With TGI we acquired 42,000 certified carbon credits in forestry plantation compensation programs (5,859 hectares) and in natural forest conservation (855 hectares).
  • We took a first step in the new Supply Model, where the supplier registry includes information on their environmental performance.


  • We will achieve a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
  • We will include our Environmental Policy in the supply chain, taking into account that most of our activities are carried out through third parties.
  • We will incorporate environmental and socio-cultural criteria in the design of new projects, in order to optimize their execution without affecting the territories or their populations.
  • In all affiliates we will design plans to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas based on the indicators recorded by each company at the end of 2019.