Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

We promote greater respect for differences

In an atypical year such as 2020, we set ourselves the goal of making our stakeholders feel that even though we are different, we belong to the same family and that we are committed to their progress and well-being.
  • Two young female employees smile and review documentation.

    The Labor Ministry and UNDP awarded us the Equipares Silver Seal for our equity and inclusion

  • A worker points afar and a female worker smiles.

    The Labor Ministry and UNDP awarded us the Equipares Silver Seal for our equity and inclusion

  • A worker speaks by radio and a female worker smiles and points afar.

    The Labor Ministry and UNDP awarded us the Equipares Silver Seal for our equity and inclusion

Why is it important?


A primary objective for our Group has been to create spaces of respect, in which our employees can speak out in an authentic and transparent manner and contribute from their own unique and unrepeatable perspective to jointly create value, both within and outside of the organization.

Over one year ago this objective was consolidated through a Diversity and Inclusion Plan that has posed many challenges, and which we have worked on with equity, with the aim of having a positive and inclusive social impact through our actions, permeating all the strategic focus areas of GEB.

It has been demonstrated that diverse and inclusive organizations are more productive; their teams are more committed, and their sense of belonging is stronger, because they find an environment they consider worth working in and feel that it is possible to give their best, and in turn to receive the best from us, in favor of their training, growth and development. This variety of outlooks and contributions helps organizations to be more creative and innovative, and to solve problems and make decisions faster, and based on this achieve better performance.

For this reason, we place our emphasis on the people and their humanity: we seek to develop human talent by leveraging capabilities and aptitudes, and we contribute specific knowledge required by the teams and individuals to achieve their challenges and goals, in the framework of the corporate strategy and for their own well-being and progress.

(102-7) (102-8) Total employees
total employees*
does not include Cantalloc
Employees by subsidiary
Electro Dunas
Renacer Substation, with a woman’s touch
Read this story
Two female workers at the Renacer Substation.

How we manage it


Diversity and inclusion management is an enabler for our corporate strategy and is aligned with the Group’s higher purpose. The corporate values that form part of this structure, such as equity, lead us to act with justice, equality and impartiality in all our endeavors.

We promote the empowerment of women, which generates a positive impact and forms part of our business core, not only for the effects of obtaining their knowledge and expertise in the different positions at GEB, but also in our actions, because when we bring energy to vulnerable populations, we promote such empowerment and contribute to reducing the amount of time they devote to traditional chores.

The purpose of our Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to oversee fulfillment of its namesake policy, through ongoing supervision and reviews of the implementation of the diversity and inclusion strategies adopted by the Group and its affiliates. It is currently comprised by professionals from different positions and areas, which enriches its joint knowledge and contributes to diversity as a source of innovation. This committee meets on a quarterly basis, and holds extraordinary meetings as necessary.

Our achievements in 2020


We received the Equipares Silver Seal, awarded by the Labor Ministry and the High Presidential Council for Women Equality, with support from UNDP.

  • We strengthened management of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

  • We were awarded the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated our commitment to equal opportunities.

  • We continue to promote the Diversity and Inclusion Policy across all our affiliates, and we disseminate it among our stakeholders.

  • (406-1)In 2020, no cases of discrimination were reported involving internal or external stakeholders.

  • (405-2)The salary gap between our Group’s 2,029 male and female employees is practically non-existent.

  • We promote widespread participation in our recruiting and selection processes in terms of gender. We also managed to place women in administrative and operating positions, such as the Sourcing Director,Control Engineer, Civil Works Resident, Civil Works Maintenance, Power Advisor, Technical Drawing Analyst, and Substation Civil Works Advisor.

  • We formally incorporated the approach towards diversity, inclusion and gender in corporate procedures and practices, with the aim of promoting and maintaining a workplace environment and corporate culture of equal opportunities, rights, and responsibilities, free from discrimination of any type. Among others, we updated the Communications Policy and the recruitment and selection procedure.

  • We created the procedure for managing cases of alleged workplace or sexual harassment.

  • We promoted internal communications campaigns to achieve a life-work balance and achieve fairness in household responsibilities.

  • We participate in the mining-energy sector Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Through our participation we helped consolidate industry-wide strategies on matters such as life-work balance, professional development with equity, relationships with the environment, recruitment, hiring and actions for non-discrimination.

  • We measured our performance in aspects related to gender equality through a battery of indicators developed internally.

  • We created the “Guidelines for inclusive and non-sexist language,” which were incorporated in our Brand Identify Manual, to ensure that our internal and external communications are free from bias and discrimination of any type.


  • We were awarded the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices for equity, diversity and inclusion, following an internal audit in which TGI obtained a score of 3.76/4.00; and an additional external audit through Icontec, in which we obtained a score of 95.77/100.

  • We began to develop shared value initiatives to bring progress and well-being to communities in far-removed areas of Colombia through education with programs focusing especially on indigenous women.

  • We created a Gender Equality Committee which follows up on the activities established in the Equipares SIG and the action plans in the eight dimensions, by means of periodic meetings (every three months). These mechanisms ensure the continuity of the planned activities and assign issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion the relevance they deserve in the corporate environment.

At Cálidda

  • We performed an analytical exercise with BID on topics related to diversity in our organization, and we signed a commitment with UN Women in 2020.

At Contugas

  • We implemented a remote work model that will enable hiring in the future personnel with movement limitations or disabilities, regardless of their geographic location.

  • We increased our change management capabilities to obtain increased responsiveness and acceptance and respect for diversity.

At Trecsa

  • In 2020, we developed an Inclusion Policy that enabled strengthening our commitment to diversity throughout our organization.

Our challenges for 2021

To make progress in closing gaps in the short term by moving on to the level II Gold Seal Certification by Equipares.

  • Continue to take specific steps so that our corporate culture reflects diversity, equity and inclusion as part of our daily lives through actions such as awareness-raising and training campaigns.

  • Promote inter-institutional and industry alliances as a source for innovation for projects that create shared value for our stakeholders.

  • Hire personnel from the areas in which we operate to promote development in the territories and the recognition of diversity and inclusion.

  • Promote the strategy of Diversity Promoters within the Group.

  • Identify leaders and people with genuine desire and conviction to create a better corporate world to promote our proposals to make them a tangible living experience that is measurable over time.

  • Strengthen our efforts with suppliers and contractors in topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • In the short and medium term, invite people with disabilities to work with us and prepare for them healthy work environments that are inclusive and free from discrimination.

  • Receive training to generate internal capabilities that will enable us to share knowledge at all levels of the organization and to set an example of good corporate practices on diversity, equity and inclusion in the mining-energy industry in Colombia.