Excellence, Business Continuity and Innovation

Excellence, Business Continuity and Innovation

Major challenges for business continuity

Employee working at heights on a steel structure using all personal protection equipment.

Maintenance work at our power transmission lines infrastructure

Our Group’s characteristic rapid and solid response enabled us to quickly manage the changes, processes and challenges arising from the pandemic and to continue our daily operations without interruption.

(103-1) This was demonstrated in the deployment and coordination at each of our companies of the various guidelines, models, policies and world-class standards that were designed.

Operating excellence allows us to maintain and increase our competitive advantage, while at the same time identifying, managing and rigorously controlling risks in the different electric energy and gas businesses in which we are involved and that affect our established corporate strategies and our long-term vision. This was demonstrated in the deployment and coordination at each of our companies of the various guidelines, models, policies and world-class standards that were designed.

Click here to view the Annex on Operating Excellence, which includes indicators on asset availability, reliability, infrastructure, losses and/or leaks for the entire Group and its affiliates.

In 2020, operating excellence enabled the continuity of our business and to increase our competitive advantage, despite the emerging risks in the electricity and gas businesses in which we are involved. We maintained our value proposition and the availability of our services despite the difficulties.

We monitored the business continuity strategy and strengthened our risk management by analyzing situations, results and forecasts, as well as the impacts, not only economic, but also impacts on the health of our employees, families and contractors.

Our relationships based on trust and transparency with our suppliers was a determinant factor, because they provide us the supplies and materials we need for our activities, and our operation’s continuity is only possible with adequate supplies.